3 tips for a perfect kitchen
Ah, the kitchen, source of so many joys but also – sometimes – of sorrows! Today Chef Daniele Paralovo delights us with 3 tips to ease our life even when we face a few inconvenients like bugs or rust. Ready?
Here come the ants
With summer around the corner ants’ nest open and little ants pay us a visit: how can we keep them away? A couple ideas:
1) Store a bunch of tomato leaves or coffee grounds near the entrance of the nest.
2) If infestation is bad, you can wet the ants’ nest with a decoction of walnut leaves: this is a more drastic remedy, because it will kill them.
If infestation is bad, you can wet the ants’ nest with a decoction of walnut leaves: this is a more drastic remedy, because it will kill them.
Scented cupboard
Do you like order and clean like I do? In order to have a perfumed cupboard, take a small organza sachet and put inside: tangerine and orange peels, 2 cloves, aniseed or cinnamon. Tie it with a string and hang it inside the cupboard. Everytime you will open it you will smell a natural fragrance. It’s also a good moth-killer.
Cookies cutters
Do your cookie cutters rust easily losing chrome? After use, wash them with warm water and neutral soap but don’t use the dishwasher. Dry them and put them in a big glass jar with a lid with some potato starch. Store inside also sac-a-poche nozzles, cannoli stamps, ecc
Daniele Paralovo